Monday, August 30, 2010

Sexy Tattoo Designs That Will Make You Look So Sexy

If you’re looking for hot tattoo designs then I strongly suggest you to continue reading on. In this article you’re going to learn three hot tattoo designs for your next tattoo. First is about having a celebrity for your tattoo, next a family member tattoo, and lastly, animal tattoos. By the end of this article you will understand the simple meaning of each tattoo and you’ll also learn which one fits your taste about tattoos. Celebrity
Okay our first type of hot tattoo idea is about celebrities.

Now who wouldn’t want a very hot celebrity printed in their body? If you’re a guy like me, then it would be pretty hot to have a celebrity like Megan Fox printed on your shoulder right? Having a celebrity tattoo is probably one of the hottest designs for a tattoo.

2. Friend or Family Member
Now our second type of hot tattoo idea is about family members.

If you want a family member to live forever, you can have them as a tattoo. This expresses your love to your family and it’s quite revealing that you’re a family guy/girl.

Having a family member as a tattoo is actually used by some people to immortalize a deceased family member.

3. Animals
Our last tattoo design is about animals.

Now when you want to express strength, courage, or endurance then animal tattoos will suit you best. People use hot tattoo designs such as lions, wolves, or tigers to express strength to other people. They hope that having that particular animal tattoo will help them have the courage or strength that is being perceived from the animals.

Sexy Arm Tattoo

There are so many different kinds of arm tattoos that picking the right one can be really difficult. Your arm really starts at the wrist and goes all the way to the shoulder, so there is a wide area to cover. There are many different wrap around designs for the wrist as well as the arm and tribal designs are some of the most popular for these areas. There are numerous kinds of tribal tattoos as well as thousands of other wrap designs. There are thorns, skulls and roses, just to name a few. it comes to arm tattoos, the sky is the limit. You can pick simple black and white tattoos as well as full color illustrations. Some people like the classic designs like skulls and roses and even hearts with the name of their sweetheart, or the names of departed children or relatives. Some even design their own as tributes to fallen loved ones or best friends, and have those applied by qualified artists. Other spend hours on end, looking through hundreds of websites and parlors trying to find that special and unique design that best fits their personality.

There are some things that you should know when it comes to arm tattoos, or really any other place you want a tattoo. One, it is a myth that a tattoo isn’t going to hurt, but there are places that are more painful that others. Skin that is close to the bones, like on the wrist or elbow is going to be more painful. The softer areas, like under the arms, on the chest and pubic area is going to hurt. There are degrees of pain and some people have a better tolerance than others. If you are thinking about going out and getting drunk before you have one done, you shouldn’t. Drinking actually thins the blood, making you bleed more.

An Extensive Range of Girls New Tattoos Designs

These days there is a huge variety of tattoo design and body place combination that make wonderful tattoos for girls and it can often be hard to decide, where to site it and which tattoo design to ink. This article is devoted to girls looking for advice and ideas to help them sketch their next tattoo. the earlier period it was mostly men who decorated their bodies with tattoos, but over the past 50 years or so tattoos for girls have also happened to extremely popular. The increase in the prominence of tattoos amongst girls followed the women rights association, as social attitudes changed to hold equality. whereas most of the girls still like better the body locations and classic tattoo designs styles that are also well-liked among men, latest decades has also seen an blast in unbelievably elegant and feminine tattoo design styles that have been developed particularly for female tattoo enthusiasts. There are loads of different design styles around that there truly is something for every person.

There are an extensive range of Girls tattoos designs offered, and I suggest you look through as much supreme quality artwork as feasible to acquire some initial ideas about what you like. A tattoo is a very private thing, and I suggest choosing a design that not only looks fantastic, but also has some importance to you. Some of the most admired design styles that make amazing tattoos for girls include butterfly, bird, cross, Celtic, eagle, dolphin, fish, flower, fairy, rose, tiger, heart, star, zodiac, and tribal tattoos, even though many more design styles are extensively available.

In addition to the design, it is also significant to consider about the colors that you desire to fit in to your tattoo. A few girls love truly colorful tattoos, and prefer to ink designs such as flowers, birds, and butterflies. Other women choose more classic tattoo designs inked in black, such as the very characteristic Celtic and tribal design styles.

Be Craze Generation with Lower Back Tattoo

There are several different tattoos shapes and designs that are available out there. With the changing trends each day in terms of designs and colors, there is something more. You can see numerous additions in the list of preferred tattoo painting spots of the beautiful ladies too. Low back is on the hit list or say on the hot list. Lower back happens to be the first priority of every woman for having the lovely designs. are many reasons for that. Women can hide these tattoos, they can be easily shown when needed and last but not the least these tattoos are looks very sexy on the lower back. Lower back tattoo is simply great and if it is done perfectly, it adds to the sparkling look of your waist line. A lower back tattoo is simply eye-catching. Any one can see them, if you are wearing a pair of jeans or skirt and a short top.

When you are on to a hot dancing night, adorn yourself with a short t-shirt and show off the shimmering tattoo design to have a magnetizing effect on the crowd. When you are on to a beach side picnic, a lower back tattoo does wonders for your pleasure vacation.

Normally you can look chic and classy in a tattoo that has been done on any where on your body but should be perfectly done. However, tattoos done on lower back just look very sexy and are preferred for their ultimate sex appeal as compared other body parts.

The tattoos add to the exquisiteness of the thin lines of the back. Many women also have a tattoo on the arc of their upper buttocks cheeks, even these are on the list of sexy spots. To enhance the attractiveness, you should go for simple and unique tattoo for your lower back. Small designs look much more appealing and striking rather than those with huge ones.

Sexy Lower Back Tribal New Tattoo

Picking the right lower back tribal tattoo can be a tedious and difficult decision to make. Most people will end up settling on some generic, cookie cutter design, though, simply because they are in a rush to get tattooed. Needless to say, many of them end up regretting what they get because of this. Well, here is how to avoid that, while finding tons of the quality lower back tribal tattoo design you are after.’s start things off with a crucial point. Many people (95%) will rely solely on search engines to locate the tattoos they want. This would be a great idea if search engines actually showed you where the great galleries are that have a quality lower back tribal tattoo database, but they don’t. What usually pulls up are low end galleries that have the exact same generic content as two hundred other websites. They are put up random images in a hurry, because they want to get as much artwork on their gallery as fast as they can. They don’t really care about the quality of the art they post.

Lower Back Tribal Tattoos

Lower back tribal tattoos have become very popular in recent modern times, this article explains why. centuries we have painted ourselves with tattoos and recently the appearance of this body art form has exploded in popularity with great numbers of people getting themselves inked.

There are a variety of different styles in tattoo design from crude home made forms using a bottle of shop bought ink and a sewing needle to highly sophisticated methods involving the latest colors of ink and very quick needle guns employed by professional tattooists. They get the job done in record time and some of these tattooists are close to being the modern equivalent of a Michelangelo or Pablo Picasso.

What is achieved by the tattoo artists using their great designs and colored ink is quite remarkable.

Why do folk settle for getting inked with historical designs that are normally in the single colors of henna or black? The answer like most things is multi faceted and the roots of which begin in the mists of time itself. Historically, before we communicated properly with speech, we used this art form as a way of communicating with each other.

Many of us will have seen cavemen animal drawings on cave walls and the depiction was normally so good we could tell which animals they were. Drawing on their bodies became a natural extension of that art form. The inked body drawings would tell of great victories and other notable events.

The leaders of the tribe would have special designs that would depict their standing within the community and the most effective place for the tribal back tattoos was on the back so that they could be followed into battle or when hunting for animals. It was a case of follow the leader in those days and those generals led from the front rather than being safely deployed behind their troops which is the case in modern day wars.

Lower back tribal tattoos have become popular with women as they have a flattering effect on the shape of a woman's body. The waist is given the illusion of being smaller whereas the hips appear to be enhanced giving an overall more shapely appearance.

Men often prefer their tribal back tattoos on the upper back which again enhances the body shape appearance by giving the effect of widening the shoulders, reducing the waist and giving the impression of the classic V shape.

Butterfly Tattoo Designs

Butterfly tattoo designs are some of the most popular tattoos, as well as some of the most beautiful designs. Although more women than men choose butterfly tattoos, some men have them as well. Butterfly tattoo designs can range anywhere from looking like natural butterflies to stylized fantasy or tribal style butterflies. The vast assortment of butterfly tattoo designs means that no matter what your personal taste or your reason for wanting a tattoo you can likely find a design that you love. butterfly itself is a beautiful creature, displaying perfect symmetry, astounding colors, beautiful shapes and a light, airy motion. Capturing the natural beauty of a butterfly in a tattoo can result in some of the most beautiful tattoo designs that overflow with warmth, richness and color.

If you look deeper than just the outside appearance of a butterfly you will find deep, symbolic meaning. Butterflies mean many different things to different cultures, though everything they are associated with is positive and uplifting.

Most commonly butterflies are used to symbolize change or transformation. Just as the caterpillar transforms into a butterfly, a butterfly tattoo can symbolize a personal transformation in your life or a change that you are undertaking. Many people who choose butterfly tattoos choose them because they symbolize a new life or new beginning. It may be that you have started a new phase of your life, or left an old one behind. Personal change or transformation can have a life altering impact and you may want to capture it and honor it with a butterfly tattoo.

Even with the symbolism that is often attached to butterflies, sometimes a butterfly tattoo is just a butterfly tattoo and doesn't have any underlying meaning for the person who got it. Appreciating the beauty of the art without needing to assign meaning to it is absolutely fine. Sometimes the beauty of the design itself is what holds meaning for us.

As with any tattoo, the most important thing in deciding to get a butterfly tattoo is that you love the design that you have chosen and that it holds a special meaning for you - whether that meaning is deep and profound or whether it is just that you think it is beautiful and want to showcase the artwork on your body. As long as when you look in the mirror and see your tattoo it makes you smile then you will know you have made the right choice. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks of your tattoo - what matters is that it makes you happy.

Girl Tattoos - Sexy Designs Girls Love

Tattoos use to be a mark of rebellion.. now a fashion accessory. While tattoos are mostly applied to men, many girls have started to show how sexy and feminine tattoos can be.

Usual places for a man to have a tattoo is on the chest, shoulder or upper arm. Girls fashion can be some what revealing, so having a tattoo on those parts can limit a girls wardrobe if it needs to be hidden. Girls have to consider weather the tattoo will look good when wearing a bikini or wedding dress. Which means they are generally more careful, making sure that a tattoo is easily concealed in professional clothing.

Before searching for a sexy girl tattoo, deciding where it will be on the body is the first step. Popular places for girls are on the lower back, between the shoulder blades and below the belly button. These positions seem to reflect the latest fashion as they can be easily covered up or put on show. Avoid having a tattoo on the upper chest or breast. Pregnancy or late age can cause the tattoo to stretch and become ruined.

Sexy girl tattoo designs are often butterflies, flowers, shooting stars, dolphins and cute fairies. Although it's exciting getting a tattoo, time should always be taken to pick a design. Hundreds of people have rushed in and just picked a design from the tattoo parlors books, to then find they don't really like it or their friend got the exact same design the day before.

Symbolizes Your Love and Purity with Sexy Flower Tattoo

Each day, the popularity of flower tattoos increases, as more women get tattoos. Of course, men are also capable of getting one, but they are most popular among women.

If you are thinking about getting a flower tattoo, you have many options available. They come in many types and colors. No two are exactly alike. Also, many flowers represent certain specific things. In fact, some have represented several different things over the years. instance, the rose tattoo was used in the 16th century to identify criminals. It was tattooed onto anyone who was sentenced to death. That way, if they escaped, they could be easily identified and brought back.

The modern rose tattoo has a completely different meaning, however. In modern culture, it is automatically recognized as a symbol of passion, love and romance, just as giving a bouquet of roses is a sign of love.

That is at least true in western regions, anyway. In eastern regions, though, the lotus symbolizes love and purity. A lotus flower tattoo can mean other things too. It can symbolize, for instance, fortune, beauty or peace. So, you may want to incorporate the lotus into a larger tattoo, which clearly indicates what you are trying to represent.

The Bells of Ireland flower is known to be a symbol of good luck. An Irish person with that sort of design is usually known for having an incredible amount of luck. Then there is the acacia flower, which is yet another symbol of love and friendship. Do you feel exceptionally lucky in love? If so, you might want to get both!

Sexy Flower Tattoo

A tulip tattoo is another variety, which you may want to consider. Tulips are considered symbolic of being an excellent lover. They represent a desire for passionate love. If you consider yourself to be a bit less outgoing, you might prefer to get a violet flower tattoo. Violets are considered a sign of shyness.

There are even more flower tattoos than that to choose from, though. For instance, if you consider yourself to be a wise person, you may want to get an iris flower tattoo. While, if you love nature, you might try a magnolia. Although, any flower at all generally reminds us of nature, so you really can’t go wrong with whatever flower tattoo you choose.

Beyond the type of design, there is also the color to consider. Pink colors are often a symbol of friendship. Red flowers indicate passion. White flowers, on the other hand, indicate purity. So consider your flower tattoo color, as well as type.

Flowers are an elegant symbol of beauty. They can bring up an incredible amount of memories and feelings. So, whether you choose a rose tattoo or some other type, you really can’t go wrong with a flower tattoo.

Tattoo Girls Dished Up have become like sex. They are being used to market everything from universities to designer label clothing. Ink has truly become the new black. Long before savvy marketing execs jumped on the bandwagon and made the whole thing mainstream these tattoo girls were doing it for themselves and covering themselves with pretty ink.

Chris Andersen Gets Free Bird Neck Tattoo Denver Nuggets Chris Andersen is a fan favorite..His nickname is the Birdman, plays with incredible energy and flat out loves ink..Chris had two spot that were still stained free..his face and neck..say goodbye to the neck..The Birdman has tattooed his neck with letters spelling out Free homage to the Lynyrd Skynyrd classic tune or a reference to his own nickname?..I was thinking he was more into Cypress Hill…looks can be deceiving.

Bird Tattoo Designs For Girls

Angel Tattoo Design

Nina and Chris / First Snap!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Snap! Blog Takes a Short Break

I know, how could we?!?!

But after much deliberation we realized that we were going kind of mental trying to get everything blogged AND shoot weddings on the weekends AND do our regular life with our families. So we decided that the only solution would be to just take the week and get our heads above water, in the office and out.

But not to worry, we'll be back into it soon enough...

We will resume with some First Snaps! starting on Monday August 30th and then on to Jen and John's wedding and then Laurie and Mike's wedding, see you soon!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Inspiration from Joanna + Walter

Well, this is the last inspiration board from the 2009 season until after the new year when I start making new boards from the 2010 wedding season. It's always so fun to go back and look at all of the great details during those long cold winter days!

In the meantime enjoy Joanna and Walter's fabulous details from LAST July at Blithewold...

Friday, August 20, 2010

Katie and Peter's Mini Photodate in Providence

Posted by Trish:

I finally got the chance to meet Katie and Peter last week here at the office, we then headed out for a little photo excursion around Davol Sqaure. The evening light was amazing and we are so lucky to be right in the city with so many great little spots for photos! This is just a non impressive spot under the old highway. It's sometimes hard to tell people how great it is even if it's not a 'pretty' background. It's all about the light, doesn't matter where you are!

This is under the new 195 bridge, a weird sensation being under all of those cars going over.

I love the way she is looking at Peter in this shot.

So I actually did meet Katie once a long time ago for just a minute. When she was in college (Babson in Wellesly)she babysat for a good friend of mine who lives up in Wellesly.

When she left college and moved to San Francisco she met Peter, guess where he is from...Wellesly! Small world!

They are totally you can see here.

There was a lot of pressure here on me to pick only photos where Katie's hair looks good. But I can't tell, I feel like it looks good in all the photos, I'm nervous. I guess if this post mysteriously disappears one day we'll know why.

They are getting married at the new Ocean House in Watch Hill in October...cannot wait to go there!!!!

This is Katie's grandmother's ring, she offered it to her right after she met Peter, she knew he was a keeper. Not that she would have, but how could she say no after he presented her with this ring?!?!

Thanks for getting together with me in the city. See you in the Fall!!!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Carolyn and Dan's Photodate in Newport

Posted by Trish:

I drove down to second beach last week to meet up with Carolyn and Dan who are getting married in October. I realized that this was my first trip to the beach this summer, in any capacity. So I was feeling lucky to have gotten the chance to be there and appreciate the beautiful weather and this beautiful place where I live, I love Little Rhody!
Look what we found in this clam shell...

They were a little nervous starting out, as usual. Carolyn was worried about Dan, but it turned out that she was more nervous that he was!

I would encourage couples to do a few tequila shots in the car before your portrait session, not really, but if it helps...

She doesn't really need tequila anyway, she's a natural beauty!

Is there anything more romantic than walking on the beach on a warm summer evening? I don't think so. Well maybe a few things but this is in the top 3 for sure!

See, the romance is oozing!

We were at second beach in Newport, it's so fabulous there, rocks, grass, sand. I guess that is what there is at every beach...but it seemed particularly fabulous to me for some reason.

Oh, I forgot to mention rose hips, lots of those too.

They will be getting married in October up in the Boston area, so these photos will be nothing like their wedding photos, kind of fun.

Oh man, that evening light is amazing!


Ah, the weeds never looked so good!

I figured I better get a few that actually show the beach and water in the background...

Oooh, hot stuff Carolyn!

What an awesome night! Thanks guys, can't wait to see you again in October!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Charlotte and Jonathan's Photodate in Providence

Posted by Mariah, Photos by Trish and Mariah:

You know how when you meet someone and you just instantly feel like you've known them a long time? Well that's how we feel about these two someones...
Charlotte and Jonathan.

We are very excited to be photographing their wedding next year at the Crane Estate, partly because it is a gorgeous venue that we have never been to, but mostly because Charlotte and Jonathan are so great.

I mean, really.

These guys are into all things snap!, which I must admit pleases me immensely. Snuggling, yes! Cute posing, yes! Funky backgrounds, yes! Working it for the photos, yes! Sense of humor, yes! These guys are like a snap! dream team.


So Charlotte and Jonathan met at the gym. Jonathan was chatting Charlotte up while they rode on the excercise bikes. Charlotte thought, great he's cute, smart, fit... but why is he still chatting and not asking me out? That's when she decided to take matters into her own hands and huffily ask, "Well are you you going to ask me for my number or not?"
Serioulsy Jonathan, what were you waiting for?

To add insult to injury Jonathan invoked the 48 hour waiting before calling rule...what?!

No matter, once Jonathan regained his sanity everything fell together nicely.

Clearly he adores Charlotte!

Charlotte liked this pose because she said it made her feel girly. Even those she's a knockout, she's really a jock at heart. Don't worry Charlotte we know how to girl you up!

Plus you shouldn't change, becuase Jonathan thinks your perfect and we do too.

Love this one.

We walked all over the east side, so pretty!

Charlotte and Jonathan moved to France for a year right after our shoot... we'll miss them, but what a fun adventure, for Charlotte anyway. Jonathan is French and his family has a home there. His Frenchness may explain some of that stubborn streak- but don't tell him I said that. I feel I can say that because after all, I have a son named Jacques. Oui, oui.

A little snuggling on the stoop before we call it a wrap.

This one is too cute.

Charlotte's request because her mom loves flowers. Who wouldn't love a girl this sweet?

Charlotte and Jonathan, hope you are having fun in France! See you next September! xoxox Mariah & Trish